Twenty-first Annual Meeting was held virtually November 8-10, 2021
Executive Summary
- Executive Summary (Twenty-first Annual Meeting)
Detailed Meeting Program
Annual Meeting
Session 1: Opening and WG Updates
Session 2: Workgroup Updates
- Mental Health and Psychosocial Functioning – Margie Schneider
- Environment and Participation – Renice Bunde
- Age-Adjustment and Analysis and Dissemination – Jennifer Madans
Session 3: Experiences Using the Child Functioning Module-Teacher Version (CFM-TV)
- Jennifer Madans, Washington Group Secretariat – “Experiences Using the Child Functioning Module-Teacher Version (CFM-TV)”
- Filipa de Castro, UNICEF – “Strengthening the availability of data on children with disabilities in school context”
- Aude Brus, Humanity and Inclusion – “Disability data & NGOs: What do we do? Example of in school data collection”
Session 4: Brief Partner Presentations
- Neda Jafar, UN ESCWA – “ESCWA Statistics Programme for Arab Countries”
- Martina Orsander, Save the Children International – “The Hidden Impact of COVID-19 on Children and Families with Disabilities”
Session 5: Use of the WG Tools in Administrative Records
- Dan Mont, Center for Inclusive Policy – "Creating a Harmonized Disability Data System: The example of South Africa”
- Sofia Mora and Jose Blanco, National Institute of Statistics and Censuses and National Council for Persons with Disabilities of Costa Rica – “The use of the Washington Group Short Set in Administrative Records: the Experience of Costa Rica”
- Fried Lammerink, GIZ/Rwanda – “Disability Identification, Registry and Case Management - a digital transformation tool for an inclusive Rwanda”
Session 6: Regional Workgroup Updates
Breakout sessions followed by report back in plenary and discussion of next steps
- Pacific Group
- Casablanca Group
- Brazzaville Group
- Kathmandu Group
- Buenos Aires Group
- South/East Africa Group
- Non-affiliated countries and partners
Session 7: Use of WG Tools in Humanitarian Crises and Emergencies
- Ricardo Pla Cordero UNHCR – “Collecting data on persons with disabilities under UNHCR’s mandate”
- Mario Spiezio, Education Cannot Wait – “The use of the WG tools in education in emergencies.”
Session 8: Brief Partner Presentation
- Morning Session: Elizabeth Lockwood, CBM Representative at the United Nations, CBM Global Disability Inclusion; also representing the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities - “Innovative data partnerships to build capacity in and increase the quality of disability data”
- Evening Session: Mohammed Ali Loutfy, Chief Executive Officer of Disabled Peoples’ International; also Co-Chair of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities - “Innovative data partnerships to build capacity in and increase the quality of disability data”
Session 9: UNICEF Launch event: Global Report on Children with Disabilities and Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with Disabilities.
Session 10: Experiences Using the WG tools in Censuses: The 2020 Round
Regional breakout sessions structured the following discussion questions:
- Does your country plan on gathering disability data in its 2020 census/Has your country gathered disability data in its 2020 census?
- Will the WG-SS be included/Has the WG-SS be included?
- Are the disability data collected through the census available?
- What are the dissemination plans for disability data collected through the census?
- Mention one challenge or success relating to disability data collection in the census for the 2020 round
- How can the WG support your country in its disability data collection and dissemination efforts relating to the 2020 census round? For example, organizing webinars on specific issues (please mention which issues)
Session 11: Meeting Accomplishments and Next Steps
View the recording for the first day of the Annual Meeting, November 8:
View recording here
View the recording for the second day of the Annual Meeting, November 9:
View recording here
View the recording for the third day of the Annual Meeting, November 10:
View recording here