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551 results:

Can I ask the WG questions to a single household respondent for all household members?

Can I ask the WG questions to a single household respondent for all household members? The WG questions are intended to be administered individually to each person selected to be a respondent in a…

Can I ask the WG questions to a single household respondent for all household members?

The WG questions are intended to be administered individually to each person selected to be a respondent in a data collection. In some population censuses or sample surveys, only specific members of…

Can I ask a subset of the six questions? I don’t have the resources to add all 6 questions to my census/ survey, what should I do?

A comprehensive measure to determine disability includes all six domains of functioning: seeing, hearing, walking/climbing steps, remembering/concentrating, self-care and communication.As noted in…

Brazzaville Group Holds 1st Annual Meeting. Hear Dr. Steve B. Mboko Ibara, Chairman of the Secretariat of the BG, speak about this first meeting, held in Lomé, Togo on 15-16 July 2022.

Brazzaville Group Holds 1st Annual Meeting. Hear Dr. Steve B. Mboko Ibara, Chairman of the Secretariat of the BG, speak about this first meeting, held in Lomé, Togo on 15-16 July 2022. Dr. Steve B.…

Brazil: ILO Módulo sobre Deficiências para Pesquisas sobre a Força de Trabalho do Grupo de Washington/OIT (LFS-DM)

Brazil: ILO Módulo sobre Deficiências para Pesquisas sobre a Força de Trabalho do Grupo de Washington/OIT (LFS-DM)

Book resource: International Measurement of Disability: Purpose, Method and Application

Book resource: International Measurement of Disability: Purpose, Method and Application This volume provides an informed review of the Washington Group accomplishments in the provision of…

Basic Guide To Sampling For Disability Surveys

Basic Guide To Sampling For Disability Surveys This blog discusses some basic guidance on how to determine an appropriate sample size for surveys collecting information on people with disabilities.…

Are People With Albinism Included In The Washington Group Questions?

Are People With Albinism Included In The Washington Group Questions? In some countries, people with albinism are automatically considered to have a disability and are also the victims of multiple…

Arabic: مجموعة الأسئلة المفصلة المتعلقة بتأدية الوظائف (WG-ES)

Arabic: مجموعة الأسئلة المفصلة المتعلقة بتأدية الوظائف (WG-ES) ) ("مجموعة الأسئلة") وطْرحها للاختبار واعتمادها. وتبّين الأسئلة أوجَه التقّدم المحرزة في التصور المفاهيمي للإعاقة…

Arabic: مجموعة الأسئلة القصیرة الخاصة بفریق واشنطن حول الإعاقة (WG-SS)

Arabic: مجموعة الأسئلة القصیرة الخاصة بفریق واشنطن حول الإعاقة (WG-SS)