Brazzaville Group Holds 1st Annual Meeting. Hear Dr. Steve B. Mboko Ibara, Chairman of the Secretariat of the BG, speak about this first meeting, held in Lomé, Togo on 15-16 July 2022.

The Brazzaville Group on Disability Statistics (BG) is a WG Regional Group that continues the activities of the WG in Francophone Africa. The BG held its 1st annual meeting in Lomé, Togo on 15-16 July 2022. The objectives of the annual meeting were to bring together the member countries in an information sharing session and to train the executives of the NSIs on disability statistics.

Dr. Steve B. Mboko Ibara, Chairman of the Secretariat of the BG, speaks about this first meeting here:

BG currently has 25 member countries in Francophone Africa. Steering Committee members include: Steve B. Mboko Ibara, Jean-Elvis Moboula, Gervais Benenguisse, Paul-Henri Nguema Meye and Koamé Kouassi. 

Support for the activities of the BG is provided by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), the International Disability Research Centre at University College, London, AFRISTAT, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Demographiques (IFORD) and the National Institute of Statistics and Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED).

BG activities focus on: (i) the promotion of research on people living with disabilities with a particular focus on comparable disability statistics adapted to censuses and surveys; (ii) the sharing of knowledge and practices among member countries on the collection and analysis of data on disability; (iii) capacity building of National Statistical Institutes' managers on the collection and analysis of data on disability; (iv) the development of a national statistical system for the collection and analysis of data on disability; (v) the development of a national statistical database on disability; (vi) promoting the use of research results on disability for a better inclusion of people with disabilities in policies and programs aimed at improving the well-being of populations.