24th Annual Washington Group Meeting - Recordings Now Available The Washington Group on Disability Statistics held its 24th Annual Meeting virtually on 8-10 October 2024. Recordings for each day of…
A Ukrainian translation of the WG Short Set on Functioning is now available. The WG-SS has been translated into Ukrainian. It may be obtained here or by email request to the WG Secretariat at:…
Aliimuamua Malaefono Ala Taua Faasalaina, a great professional of the Government of Samoa and a dedicated partner of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics The Washington Group Secretariat…
Brazzaville Group Holds 1st Annual Meeting. Hear Dr. Steve B. Mboko Ibara, Chairman of the Secretariat of the BG, speak about this first meeting, held in Lomé, Togo on 15-16 July 2022. Dr. Steve B.…
Disability Data Advocacy Toolkit Released On October 21, the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities, the International Disability Alliance, and CBM Global Disability Inclusion officially…
Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for OPDs Data Workshop for OPDs The Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities was developed by CBM Global Disability…
Disability Resources for the ESCWA Region The UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia’s (ESCWA) Disability Statistics program aims to improve the production, dissemination and…
How to Create a WG Country Report on Disability: Recording Available & Follow Up Webinar Information Recording Now Available! Introduction to Creating a Country Report on Disability In 2020, the…
Inaugural meeting of Regional Disability Statistics Group for English-speaking countries in South and East Africa to be held 26 July 2022. Inaugural meeting of Regional Disability Statistics Group…
Judy Heumann, Disability Rights Activist The Washington Group on Disability Statistics mourns the passing of Judy Heumann. Judy was a friend and early supporter of the WG. She championed the rights…