
16 delegates from 14 nations attended the Non-Regional Technical Implementation Meeting in Rome in August 2017.

08/08/2017 - 10/08/2017

Note: The video links will take you to the University College London website, where the videos are hosted.

These videos are a live recording of an Introductory training for Non-Government Organisations. At times some of the...


WG-16 was hosted by Statistics South Africa and attended by 65 persons. The formal WG meeting was preceded by two pre-meeting sessions, including: a brief orientation for new WG members providing background on the history and the development of the WG’s data collection tools and a session directed to representatives from national statistical offices (NSOs) during which issues related to the implementation of the WG questions and the analysis of the resulting data will be discussed. NSOs currently planning or embarking on data collection or analyses are encouraged to attend to share experiences or seek more directed guidance.

06/12/2016 - 09/12/2016

26 delegates from 14 nations attended the Technical Implementation Meeting in Fiji in July 2016. The training provided technical training for the Pacific countries implementing the Washington Group questions in an upcoming national census. The meeting also began the process of creating a formalised Pacific Disability Statistics Working Group to increase the institutional capacity of the region.

13/07/2016 - 15/07/2016

The 15th meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WG) was held 27-29 October 2015 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The focus of the meeting was the presentation of additional work on guidelines for analysis of data collected using the WG Short Set (SS) questions and Extended Set of questions on Functioning (ES-F) and updates from the workgroups dealing with special methodological topic areas.

27/10/2015 - 29/10/2015

Final results from the analysis of data provided by countries using the WG short set in recent national data collections (censuses and surveys) showed that although countries continue to report disparate disability prevalence rates; with some exceptions, those that use the WG as intended, using a cut-off of least one domain that is coded as a lot of difficulty or cannot do it at all, have reported disability prevalence rates that are comparable – in the range 7 – 10%. Using 2010 and 2011 NHIS data, algorithms for combining multiple domain questions into single domain indicators of disability and developing standards for determination of cut-points using the WG extended set of questions on functioning (ES-F) were presented. A small workgroup was formed to finalize the analysis.The WG/UNICEF workgroup on disability among children and inclusive education and the workgroup on mental health presented the work accomplished in the previous.Two representatives from the Saudi Disability Registry Group (SDRG) presented on their experience developing a national disability registry. The delegates agreed that the workgroup should continue its efforts and provide a status update at the next meeting.

29/10/2014 - 31/10/2014

Results from the continued analysis of data provided by countries using the WG Short Set in recent national data collections (censuses and surveys) and analyses using data from the 2010 and 2011 US NHIS addressing how best to combine information from several questions per domain on the WG extended set on functioning and develop standards for determination of cut-points were presented.The WG/UNICEF workgroup on the development of specific question modules designed to measure disability among children presented the results of cognitive testing that was completed in Oman, Belize, India, Montenegro and USA and the revised Module on Child Functioning and Disability.The presentation on whether and how issues related to mental health could be incorporated into the work of the WG resulted in the creation of a workgroup to further address this. Interest was also expressed in having the WG look into the use of data registers in the compilation of disability statistics.

29/10/2013 - 31/10/2013

Results from further analysis of data provided by countries using the WG Short Set in recent national data collections (censuses and surveys) were presented. Using data from the 2011 NHIS, results from further analysis of the WG extended set of questions on functioning (ES-F) were also presented. Representatives from NCHS provided a presentation focusing on the use of a mixed-method approach to assess validity and cross-subgroup comparability. Results from the 2010 NHIS using the ES-F questions related to pain were presented. The workgroup investigating environmental factors and participation provided an update on their work.The workgroup (in collaboration with UNICEF) on the development of specific question modules designed to measure disability among children presented a review of the conceptual framework for question development and a proposed set of questions. An update on the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) was presented on behalf of UNICEF, as well as, a presentation by a representative from ADAPT (formerly the Spastics Society of India) on the cognitive testing of the module on child functioning and disability in India.

23/10/2012 - 25/10/2012

The Washington Group began to monitor the use the WG Short Set in national data collections (censuses and surveys). Preliminary analyses of data provided by countries using the WG Short Set were presented. Preliminary findings from analyses of the WG extended set of questions on functioning using data obtained from the US National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) were also presented at the meeting. The children’s workgroup presented a well-received proposal for the development of the extended set for children including a conceptual framework and examples of how the framework could be operationalized. A formal collaboration was arranged between the Washington Group and UNICEF to work on the development of specific question modules designed to measure disability among children. The workgroup investigating environmental factors also presented their work consisting of a conceptual framework and related questions sets.

14/11/2011 - 16/11/2011