This website (‘the site’) is published by The Washington Group on Disability Statistics (‘WG’). The 'site' includes other materials published by WG which are on the site or reached via links on the…
A Ukrainian translation of the WG Short Set on Functioning is now available. The WG-SS has been translated into Ukrainian. It may be obtained here or by email request to the WG Secretariat at:…
Below is a list of published journal articles, books (including book chapters and proceedings) and reports that focus on the tools developed by the Washington Group. This WG Published Materials…
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) recognizes that ‘disability is an evolving concept’ (UNCRPD, 2006, p. 1), and defines persons with disabilities as those who…
The Washington Group (WG) question sets were developed for use in censuses and surveys according to the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. The questions reflect advances in the…
The WG’s mission and adopted work plan, decided upon by all WG members, is carried out by workgroups constituted to address specific tasks related to disability measurement, methodologies and…
In the past, the Washington Group (WG) received funding from the World Bank for the development of the WG-Short Set of questions (WG-SS), and collaborated with the Statistics Division…
Past Annual Meetings of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics To date, 20 annual meetings have been held by the WG: SITE DATE Washington DC 02/2002 …