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373 results:

Arabic: مبادئ توجيهية تحليلية:

Arabic: مبادئ توجيهية تحليلية:

Arabic: مجموعة الأسئلة القصیرة الخاصة بفریق واشنطن حول الإعاقة (WG-SS)

Arabic: مجموعة الأسئلة القصیرة الخاصة بفریق واشنطن حول الإعاقة (WG-SS)

Arabic: مجموعة الأسئلة المفصلة المتعلقة بتأدية الوظائف (WG-ES)

Arabic: مجموعة الأسئلة المفصلة المتعلقة بتأدية الوظائف (WG-ES) ) ("مجموعة الأسئلة") وطْرحها للاختبار واعتمادها. وتبّين الأسئلة أوجَه التقّدم المحرزة في التصور المفاهيمي للإعاقة…

Book resource: International Measurement of Disability: Purpose, Method and Application

Book resource: International Measurement of Disability: Purpose, Method and Application This volume provides an informed review of the Washington Group accomplishments in the provision of…

Brazil: ILO Módulo sobre Deficiências para Pesquisas sobre a Força de Trabalho do Grupo de Washington/OIT (LFS-DM)

Brazil: ILO Módulo sobre Deficiências para Pesquisas sobre a Força de Trabalho do Grupo de Washington/OIT (LFS-DM)

Can I ask the WG questions to a single household respondent for all household members?

Can I ask the WG questions to a single household respondent for all household members? The WG questions are intended to be administered individually to each person selected to be a respondent in a…

Casablanca group update

Casablanca group update

Centre Publication

Centre Publication

Child Functioning Module (CFM) – Ages 2-4 Years

Child Functioning Module (CFM) – Ages 2-4 Years The Washington Group/UNICEF Child Functioning Module (CFM) was developed, tested and adopted by UNICEF and the Washington Group on Disability…

Child Functioning Module (CFM) – Ages 5-17 years

Child Functioning Module (CFM) – Ages 5-17 years The Washington Group/UNICEF Child Functioning Module (CFM) was developed, tested and adopted by UNICEF and the Washington Group on Disability…