Three main purposes for the collection of disability data have been identified: Monitor the Population: to understand the scope of disability in a population for evaluating policies and…
The introductory statement, “The next questions ask about difficulties you may have doing certain activities.” was included for the purpose of transitioning from topic to topic in a census…
A UN International Seminar on Disability Measurement held in 2001 highlighted the need for standard principles and measures of disability in all national data collection systems and the…
When does disability begin? Identifying the age of onset When a disability starts affects how that disability influences someone's life. How can we add to the Washington Group questions to collect…
The WG-SS questions were originally developed for censuses and large population-based surveys. The WG-SS was designed as a core set of questions for self- or proxy-reporting of functional…
This module of six questions is best situated either at the beginning of a survey questionnaire (together with the demographic information collected on household family members) or towards the…
The Washington Group (WG) on Disability Statistics is a United Nations Statistics Commission City Group formed of representatives of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) working on…
The WG-SS has been used in censuses or surveys in over 75 countries, has been promoted by international aid programs (DFID/UK and DFAT/Australia) as the means to collect disability data in all…
Every year in preparation for the annual meeting, the WG asks member countries to report their own use of WG questions sets: the WG-SS, WG-ES or CFM. Results of this accounting are…
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