The WG has produced a series of videos in partnership with the Center for Inclusive Policy designed to maximize the accessibility of information addressing common themes and topics related to the…
The WG’s mission and adopted work plan, decided upon by all WG members, is carried out by workgroups constituted to address specific tasks related to disability measurement, methodologies and…
WG-Extended Set: Results of Cognitive and Field Testing – UN ESCAP 2010 The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) carried out a set of projects to improve…
Download the Child Functioning Module Questions below About the CFM It was recognized by the WG that the WG-SS does not apply to children under the age of 5, and they miss many children with…
Since 2012 UNICEF and WG have been developing a set of questions on school participation and environmental factors affecting participation in school for ALL children. The intent is for the survey…