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29 results:

The Washington Group on Disability Statistics will hold its 21st Annual Meeting virtually from November 8-10, 2021

The Washington Group on Disability Statistics will hold its 21st Annual Meeting virtually from November 8-10, 2021

The Washington Group Secretariat will provide a training workshop to the Disabled People's Organisations Denmark and partners in Ghana, Nepal and Rwanda

The Washington Group Secretariat will provide a training workshop to the Disabled People's Organisations Denmark and partners in Ghana, Nepal and Rwanda On August 25th 2021, the Washington Group…

UNICEF Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with Disabilities - Call for Proposals

UNICEF Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with Disabilities - Call for Proposals UNICEF’s Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with Disabilities has launched a call for proposals on…

UNICEF Centre of Excellence Summer School Course on Analyzing Data on Children with Disabilities

UNICEF Centre of Excellence Summer School Course on Analyzing Data on Children with Disabilities 21 to 24 August 2023 Rovereto, Italy The Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with…

UNICEF launched its Global Report on Children with Disabilities and Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with Disabilities during the Washington Group 21st Annual Meeting

UNICEF launched its Global Report on Children with Disabilities and Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with Disabilities during the Washington Group 21st Annual Meeting The launch event,…

Using the Washington Group Tools to Assess the Impact of COVID-19 on Persons with Disability

Using the Washington Group Tools to Assess the Impact of COVID-19 on Persons with Disability The COVID-19 pandemic has provided additional and strong evidence of the need for data 1 disaggregation to…

WG Featured in Feminist Economic Empowerment Newsletter

WG Featured in Feminist Economic Empowerment Newsletter The Washington Group was featured in the recent newsletter of the Feminist Economic Empowerment group. The newsletter can be found here. The…

Why is it Important to Identify the Population with Disabilities? – a video just released by the WG – is available here

Why is it Important to Identify the Population with Disabilities? – a video just released by the WG – is available here The WG has partnered with Sightsavers and the Center for Inclusive Policy to…

Workshop "Improving Disability Statistics in the Arab Countries" Final Report Available

Workshop "Improving Disability Statistics in the Arab Countries" Final Report Available Workshop "Improving Disability Statistics in the Arab Countries" Final Report Available A workshop on…